Recognize 5 Melanoma Skin Cancer Symptoms Can You Know

Symptoms of any disease we need to know, so we can handle the disease as early as possible. Such as Melanoma Skin Cancer symptoms can we know quickly. the emergence of new mole or changes in mole long form is melanoma skin cancer symptoms that often occur.

Before looking at the shape of mole cancer symptoms porters, we should need to know the shape of normal mole. Normal mole usually have signs of the following: the color has only one color, round or oval shape, diameter less than 6 mm.

Let us compare with the signs of melanoma that typically have the following characteristics: it has more than one color, irregular shape, diameter greater than 6mm and which can be felt is the Erasa itchy skin and likely to bleed

By using the ABCDE method, we can easily distinguish between normal mole with mole melanoma. This is the ABCDE method that can clearly differentiate melanoma with normal:

1. Aasymmetrical / A: If a mole changes shape into a jagged, it could be early signs of melanoma. Melanoma mole have irregular shapes. Also Melonoma can not be divided equally. Compare with the normal form of regular and can be divided into 2 flat.

2. Border B: mole melanoma has a periphery that is uneven and rough, unlike normal mole are smooth and flat.

3. Colour C: Mole with a variety of colors such as brown, red, white, blue, and black are often marked mole are cancerous than mole with one color. Melanoma mole are usually a mixture of two or three of these colors

4. Diameter D: Melonama usually have a diameter larger than ordinary mole. Melanoma mole are usually larger than 6mm in diameter, smaller than ordinary mole

5. Enlargement / E: Mole that change shape and size over time will normally become melanoma.

Please note also, Mole Melanoma can grow anywhere in the body, but often grows is on the face, hands, back and legs. Sometimes mole melanoma can also appear under the fingernails.

An essential step if you see these signs, see a dermatologist in your town. The doctor will give explanations and handling more seriously in order to avoid things that are not desired. Dermatologist quickly immediately diagnose the state of your mole. What goes into the category of normal or you have contracted Melanoma Skin Cancer.

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