7 Easy Ways To Avoid The Risk Of Skin Cancer

Avoiding skin cancer diseases like avoiding other illnesses. It takes discipline in the patterns of daily life. Avoiding it's better than to cure the disease, because treating the disease skin cancer required a great effort, both in terms of material and psychological.

Anyone can attack skin cancer, both young and old. Often skin cancer is caused by an unfavorable sun, smoking, chemical pollution, ionizing radiation, environmental carcinogens, aging and so forth.

As we know that skin cancer is very diverse. The kind that differ from one another. Usually depends on the layer growing cancer. It is worth noting there is very harmful for skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. You should immediately see a doctor in order to avoid the risk of death.

Below are 7 tips so that we avoid this deadly skin cancer:

1. When outdoors, you should wear sunglasses and a hat

According to experts dermatology, skin turns which are in the skin around the eye area is quite sensitive and thin. Due to the sensitive enough to reduce the risk of skin cancer so wear sunglasses and a hat whose width is strongly recommended. because the sting of sunlight is quite sharp.

By making it a daily habit, the glasses and the hat can protect your skin from exposure to excessive sunlight. Use the best you can with discipline when you are outdoors

2. Do not directly excessively Sunbathing

Sunlight is a gift given by God to us. The sun gives us light so the night passed in the morning. Sabgat sunlight is good for our health, but it can be dangerous as well if we use such excessive sunlight. If you are sunbathing in between the hours of 17:00 10.00- excessive health then you can not achieve, but penyakitlah which will perch on your body. Your body will burn easily contract the disease and skin cancer. So beware if sun. If for any reason your work, you can do with a shade as much as possible to avoid this skin disease.

3. Do not undergo excessive tanning beds

Having a beautiful skin is the dream of the woman. One way through Tanning bed. But if done to excess in this leather coloring process, it can be dangerous and cause skin cancer.

My suggestion to avoid this terrible skin cancer then you should do this process is not excessive. Your skin will be safely protected from skin cancer.

4. Shade as much as you can do
Shelter to avoid direct exposure to sunlight is the easiest thing. For example, you take shelter or walking in the hallway were not exposed to direct sunlight.

Perform this activity so that it becomes a habit you every day.

5. Shown with clothes that cover most of the skin

Look beautiful that you can do with the elegant clothes that cover most of your body. Not thin and not open. Besides looks beautiful, then your skin well protected from sun exposure were less good.

Clothes were thin and open will make your skin exposed to plenty of sunlight. Tips: clothes made of cotton is a safe material to protect your skin.

6. If there is a mole that suddenly appear immediately check to doctor

Do not ignore if suddenly grew moles and blemishes on your skin. This symptom is an early sign of skin cancer that attacks you. Therefore, if you find it, consult to the doctor. So early detection is very diajurkan so that we avoid the disease is skin cancer.

7. Don't forget to wear sunscreen before you go

Skin cancer that must be eradicated as early as possible. Trivialities we often goodness is the sun that is not beneficial for our skin. O yes, using creams sunscreen before leaving the house is something you can do. Tips from me is a habit to rub at least 20 minutes before you engage in activities outside the home. This cream is used before leaving the house so that the cream can penetrate well in the skin.

Conclusions: Skin cancer it can be prevented with simple habits above. Therefore apply these habits before skin cancer actually attack your skin health.

Thus 7 An easy way to avoid the risk of skin cancer that you can do .. may we be spared from this deadly disease.

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