Cancer Basal-Cell Carcinoma Symptoms That You Should Be Aware Of

Have you ever heard of the disease Basal-cell carcinoma? If not, let us learn together what it Basal-cell carcinoma. Basal-cell carcinoma is it and what are the symptoms so that we can prevent this Basal-cell carcinoma.

Among skin cancer, Basal-cell carcinoma / BCC is a type of malignant skin cancer most affects many people. Here are the characteristics of basal-cell carcinoma:

1. Including into the category of malignant cancer
2. Very rarely spread to other organs or cause death, BCC is too long untreated,
3. Basal-cell carcinoma can grow under the skin tissue, even to damage and destroy muscle tissue and bone.
4. The fact proves that the Basal cell carcinoma was in the beginning not encountered suspicious symptoms.
5. Usually in the early stages is often shaped papules hard substrate patch, there is a prominent form of verrucos, then ulcerated lesions berbubah become ulcers, random-shaped with a protruding edge, like the mouth of a volcano, the bottom is uneven and slow growth. Rarely metastases, the first edge of shallow ulcers that appear half-transparent nodules, then gradual expansion, could erosion of tissue and surrounding organs, into rodent ulcer
6. Basal cell carcinoma occurs on areas of skin that stratum basal layer of skin beneath the epidermis. This bottom layer changes the cells mutate into cancer cells. Therefore, it is referred to as basal-cell carcinoma

People who have white skin like the Caucasian race has a high level of risk attack Basal-cell carcinoma. Why the Caucasian race has a high level of risk? Because skin pigment is slightly more prone to causing skin burn more easily infected and Basal-cell carcinoma. 80% of skin cancer are found in two parts of the body, namely head and neck. although other skin so people can also be affected Basal-cell carcinoma disease, although rare.

General Basal-cell carcinoma is caused by several factors:

1. If you constantly get exposure to strong sunlight for years without using any protective
2. Repeatedly using tanning beds have a much greater risk of an attack Basal-cell carcinoma

That is characteristic of Skin Cancer Symptoms Basal-cell carcinoma that can be encountered in the person of the patient. There should be a primary care physician before the disease is getting worse. You must be vigilant!. Do not delay, immediately check with your doctor now

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