5 Causes of Skin Cancer That You Must Know

Body health is the most important thing we must guard. Health and also the health of the inside of the outer part of the body such as the skin. The skin is the organ most outsiders who are particularly vulnerable to the dangers that cause disease.

Having a beautiful skin is nice but having healthy skin is better. Usually this is ignored by women. In general, Women are more often concerned with beautiful skin than healthy skin. The fact is that when skin health is ignored, then the risk to get skin health disorders will be more at risk. You can be exposed to a mild level of skin disease or severe levels such as skin cancer. This understanding should be emphasized to women to avoid skin cancer that can be deadly.

The sun that occur during the day is a cause of skin cancer most often occurs. Why the sun to be one cause of skin cancer? because the sunlight during the day contains UVA and UVB. Ultraviolet rays can cause negative effects on the skin that can damage collagen and elastin tissue. We know that collagen and elastin in the skin dermis is the tissue that affect the strength and elasticity of the skin.

Below are 5 causes of skin cancer you should know so that we prevent the occurrence of skin cancer

1. Sunlight

Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of DNA damage of skin cells that are too often exposed to sunlight. Although those who have light skin are more at risk of skin cancer but basically skin cancer can happen to anyone of all colors and races.

As we know that sunlight contains both UVA and UVB rays that can damage DNA. In the cells of the skin where the sun began to affect the DNA of genes that control the growth of skin cells. Too long and too often exposed to sunlight exposure is a greater risk of skin cancer

The question is whether all of the sun can cause skin cancer? Which should be of concern is that the hot sun, roughly above 10 am to 5 pm is the cause of skin cancer.
The sun's rays are harmful to the health of the skin and tends to be the main cause of skin cancer is exposure to the sun continuously for many years without any patron would greatly increase the risk of skin cancer that is very dangerous.

Ways to Avoid Skin Cancer Because sun exposure is to avoid the scorching rays of the sun from 10 am to 5 pm, using protection such as long-sleeved shirts, a hat or umbrella while on the move at the clock and use repellant UV rays during the day.

2. Tanning bed

Have brown skin color is the dream of the woman of today, especially in America and Europe. One was to make it happen is the tanning bed.

Which should receive attention is evidently Tanning beds can increase a person's risk of developing melanoma. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer is a deadly disease. According to skin health experts, 74 percent for developing melanoma than people who never used tanning beds.

Why Tanning beds can cause skin cancer? Because Tanning bed, one of its parts using a UV lamp. UV light can damage skin cells that cause premature skin aging for example wrinkles, loose skin, brown spots. Dangerous is this UV light causes skin cancer.
Consult with your dermatologist before using a tanning bed.

3. Genetic Factors

Skin cancer can also be caused by genetic factors. If any of your family, there is the experience of skin cancer then your chances of developing this disease. The father and mother are the closest living relatives, if the mother or the mother has skin cancer, it's likely you also taxable. If you terkenan penykait grandparents, then you also likely contracted the disease as well though likely much smaller.

The characteristics of the genetic factors of skin cancer is a disease-carrying red hair, white skin and freckles. Melanoma type of skin cancer is a type of cancer that is caused by genetic factors.

4. Moles

Do not underestimate the mole. This mole is one of the causes of skin cancer melanoma. Moles usually grows on the surface of the skin brown or black. If you are aged over 30 years, then raised moles, then immediately see a dermatologist. The shape, size, color, and height is a mole changes you should be aware of

But if the growth of the mole in early childhood was normal. In early childhood moles usually grow during the first 30 years of life

There are 2 types of mole, the mole derived from birth because of congenital commonly referred to as congenital nevi. This mole when the size is very large, should be examined further to see a doctor to do diagnosa.Yang second is known as dysplastic nevi. This mole has a size larger than a coin or a pencil eraser. Irregular shape, uneven color, tend to be dark brown and the edges are uneven. The second type is the larger of contracting skin cancer.

5. X-Ray Radiation

In the medical world, the use of x radiation has been widely used, for example, soft X-rays are used to take images known as radiographs. X-rays can penetrate the human body but is absorbed by the denser parts like bones. But the use of X-ray radiation is when frequent and long enough will cause skin cancer.

From some observations, skin cancer will more develop in areas never exposed to X-ray radiation, especially if under certain conditions such as basal cell nevus syndrome or xeroderma pigmentosum will get steeper risk for skin cancer and breast cancer. Therefore the use of x-rays is very limited, usually a maximum of 1 x year

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