Identify The Types of Skin Cancer From Mild to Dangerous

Facts prove Skin cancer is a type of cancer that most often occurs in humans. According to the experts in this field, roughly more than 1 million cases of skin cancer occur each year.

According to researchers at the dermatology, discovered this fact that it turns the whites have higher resistance compared with other skin color. Facts prove that the current population in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom tend to increase the number of sufferers.

This is one of them predicted due to their often exposed to direct sunlight. This disease should not be taken lightly because in addition to causing disability, at an advanced stage can be fatal for patients.

Which needs to be watched once as a reminder of the most common skin cancer is a change in the skin. These skin changes described the new tissue growth or sore that does not go sembuh.Oleh therefore early treatment is more important than cure.

Symptoms of Skin Cancer is characterized by the growth of skin cells that are not controlled, it can damage surrounding tissue and can spread to other parts of the body.

Types of Skin Cancer

In the web page mentioned that there are four types of skin cancer you should know. Below, described four types of cancer:

1. Actinic keratosis

Actinic keratosis is known as the early stages of skin cancer. Skin cancer actinic keratosis is shaped red scaly spots. You can recognize the symptoms of this type of skin cancer on the skin area around the ears, arms, hands, face and areas which are often in contact with the hot sun.

The second type is the Basal Cell Carcinoma. This type of skin cancer is the most common type, which is the lightest and most common. For example, patients with this type of In America there are more than 90%. These cancers include cancers of the local because only certain parts of the body, so it does not spread to other body parts.

The characteristics of this type of skin cancer Basal Cell Carcinoma
• small size, there is little meat is growing, most of the red patches appear on the head, neck and hands.
• Cancer is not growing fast
• Rarely spreads to other body parts, but can be locally destructive.
• Not have spread (metastasized) to other body parts, but cancer cells can grow and cause damage to the surrounding skin tissue.

The cause of skin cancer Basal Cell Carcinoma

• Skin color and often exposed to bright sunlight heating the two suspected as the cause of Basal Cell Carcinoma.
• a weak immune system (both the impact of other diseases or treatments), burns, and the X-ray beam.

Malignant melanoma is a type of skin cancer most virulent and potentially lethal. Usually occurs in the cells that produce the pigment melanin that gives color to the skin. Many found the onset of melanoma from a mole that then undergoes malignancy. Among these patients are not aware of many of these diseases and consider it a matter of course.

Many also found this Melanoma around the eyes and internal organs, such as the gastrointestinal tract, although it is rare.

The cause of skin cancer Melanoma

• Up to now the main cause of melanoma is not clear
• Some experts say that ultraviolet radiation can increase the risk of melanoma
• Genetic factors also play a role

The fact that very surprising, imagine six of the seven patients died of this cancer in the US. Terrible. From year to year the number of patients with this disease continues to increase

4. Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that affects more men mainly affects elderly men. Types of skin cancer attacks the epidermal keratinocytes cells.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma is cancer the second most common skin cancer patients infect the skin. In contrast to other skin cancer, the disease can spread to other parts of the body. And in general this disease resides in the tropics.

The cause of skin cancer Melanoma

• In the dominant type of skin cancer is suspected due to sunlight / ultraviolet
• When Durability / Immune our body is weak,
• Caused by a virus,
• Chemicals
• Scarring

The characteristics of this type of skin cancer Basal Cell Carcinoma

• This type of cancer is usually located on the edge of the ears, face, hands, arms, lips and mouth. Appears in the form of lumps or red on the skin, scaly and spread across the surface of the skin.
• Having abnormalities such as lumps or sores that do not heal.

Similarly, the type of skin cancer from mild to dangerous that could be contracted to you or your family. It is certain, we must be extra in the early treatment of the disease is skin cancer.

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