What Is A Skin Cancer

Patients with skin cancer this time very much and tends to increase in number, especially in the Americas, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Australia holds the record for the skin cancer. It is very worrying us. What is a skin cancer and other things associated with this disease? I write about skin cancer because it is very concerned with this disease.
Skin cancer is a disease caused by the growth of cells in the skin that is not reasonable or can be the growth of abnormal cells on the surface of the skin. In general, skin cancer were divided into two groups, namely non-melanotic and melanotic (melanoma).
What causes skin cancer? causes skin cancer today is certainly different for example because of the many substances oxidants in the body, the radioactive rays, ultraviolet rays are directly without barrier or safety
Is skin cancers including malignant cancer? Rate of malignancy was also different. From the start of the incoming light category, medium and malignant. Lightest are Basal cell carcinoma, this cancer is most often the case. While the ferocious and dangerous, which attacks the skin cells that function as pigmentation of skin cancer is melanoma. And a very rare but more aggressive and deadly is Skin Cancer Merkel cell carcinoma.
In general, the attack on the layer of skin cancer, squamous cell, basal and melanocytes. Skin cancer usually grows in the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin), so that the tumor (lump) can be seen from the outside, so that skin cancer is a type of cancer that is most easily found symptoms in its early stages.
Below are the things that are associated with skin cancer. I summarize it into several topics. I will describe in detail:
3. To anyone overwrite skin cancer?
4. Does skin cancer is contagious or not?
5. How is the way skin cancer prevention
6. Early Treatment of Skin Cancer
7. Treatment of cancer you can do
8. Food was able to ward off skin cancer
9. Activities that cause skin cancer
10. That should not be done so that skin cancer does not happen to you
11. Is the woman who most suffer from skin cancer
So is the skin cancer in general. May you come to know and recognize skin cancer early. I will explain everything on every topic above.

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