Ants Nest (Myrmecodia Pendans) As The Best Alternatives Method for Treatment of Skin Cancer

Cancer was a disease that makes sufferers shocked. You will feel as if the world collapses when receiving the verdict that you are suffering from cancer, including skin cancer.

The verdict was surprising your skin cancers, but you can not say anything, accept this harsh reality and as if waiting your death. You can do medically and modern treatment of traditional medicine. I will provide information about why herbal Ants Nest Papua (from Indonesia) is the right choice, especially as a skin cancer drug.

Modern medical treatment for Skin Cancer
If you choose medical treatment of cancer, then the action taken is usually surgery or removal of skin tissue (cancerous) or can be by action irradiation with tanning beds.

Other methods are also often done is frozen surgery, surgical power, laser, photodynamic and with medication, either topical or injected (chemotherapy).

In addition to medical treatment, there is also an alternative cancer treatment with herbal plants. This benefit is a safer alternative, without side effects and is cheaper. This alternative cancer treatment called ants nest.

"Ants Nest" is best alternatives method for the treatment of skin cancer. As we know, Indonesia is a country rich variety of plants that can be used as an herbal remedy. Many plants in Indonesia that serves as a natural cancer drug.  One of the many that are "anthill" which became the main option to cure various types of cancer, including skin cancer.

The name of this herb is Ants Nest (Myrmecodia pendans) derived from the forest wilderness of Papua (Indonesia). Ants Nest has been empirically proven to get rid of serious diseases including cancer and tumors.

Various studies have been conducted to determine its content plays an important role in crushing cancer and tumors. Many secrets of the content that is in the ant nest. Let us consider the greatness of the mystery behind the ant nest

Expert Researcher of the Center for Biotechnology LIPI, Jakarta, Indonesia, Dr M. Ahkam Subroto, said that the active compounds contained in the ant nest covering flavonoids, tannins, and polyphenols that act as antioxidants in the body so it is appropriate if it is used as a cancer drug.

According to Prof. Dr. Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Professor of Pharmacy ITB, Bandung, Indonesia, tocopherol content in "Ant Nest" high. Ants Nest contain active compounds antioxidants - tocopherols and phenolic. Vitamin E tocopherol similar nature that affects an effective antioxidant.

Tocopherol serves as an antioxidant and anticancer. He counteract free radical attacks by means anti-degeneratif. "When we eat a lot of fat and free radicals, tocopherol will be overcome," said Ahmad Sulaiman, PhD nutritionist alumnus of the University of Nebraska Lincoln.

The role of vitamin E is vital for health, can prevent unsaturated fatty acids, a component of cell membranes from oxidation by free radicals. Research shows that alpha-tocopherol at a concentration of 12 ppm has been able to reduce free radicals up to 96%.

A greater percentage in reducing free radicals can be obtained on the ant nest as ant nests are rich in antioxidant compounds, up to about 313 ppm.

So no wonder this herb is known to have a strong reaction in helping quell cancers, tumors, and various forms lumps which can be a tumor or cancer.

In in vitro assays, proved that the ant nest as a potent cancer drug. Which proves the efficacy of it is Qui Kim Tran from the University National of Hochiminch City and colleagues Yasuhiro Tezuka, Yuko Harimaya, and Arjun Hari Banskota. Qui third colleague was working at Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University.

In his research, Qui Kim Tran using ant nest that weighs 2-3 kg. Ant nest is then extracted with various solvents such as water, methanol and methanol-water mixture.

They then grow 3 highly metastatic cancer cells that is easily spread to other body parts such as cervical cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer.

Each of these extraction results are then given to each cancer cell. The result was incredible, the ants nest turns out to have a strong antiproliferative activity . Which inhibits the spread of cancer cells that spread even faster and abnormal.

Ants nest also contains flavonoids that are useful as an antioxidant that helps to prevent and treat cancer, protect the cell structure, improve the effectiveness of vitamin C, anti-inflammatory and as an antibiotic.

User testimonials "Ants Nest" as Skin Cancer Drug
Ants Nest ability to help treat skin cancer can be seen from the testimony of Mr. Dewa Nyoman Sumada that his wife had suffered from complications of some serious diseases. Consider the following experience.

Dewas'wife suffered from an ulcer accompanied by spinal pain, fatigue, arthritis, and also tumor on the forehead. Over the years, medicine has become a staple food almost every day. The burden increases when the tumor lump on his forehead widened and colored black.

Of 2 results of the examination, the wife of the god Pak positive light skin cancer. Doctors require it to undergo surgery, but for her it was something scary. Therefore, Mr. Dewa try other alternatives. Until the time Pak Dewa find products on the site ant nests. He immediately ordered the ant nest products.

He commented in Nature magazine that the "average who drink a decoction of ants nest and get results after a week and some have 3 days have seen the results".

The same was felt by cancer patients who use the product extract capsules ant nests.

The average reported already feeling efficacy in just 1-2 months. In fact, many customers are already undergoing medical treatment with chemical drugs also combine it with the capsule extract ants nest and feel the healing process faster than before.

Dr Bali, Indonesia Poster Magazine says that patients that combines antioxidants and chemical medicine doctor heal faster than just using chemical drugs. You can try to blend this treatment method.

Believe it or not, few of Indonesia people are already combining with other anti-cancer herbs such as Noni Juice and rodent tuber. The result is remarkable, the healing process gradually be felt sooner.

Herbal medicine "Ants Nest" has advantages compared with medical treatment that is without side effects, without having to go through the process of exhausting and painful treatment such as surgery or chemotherapy, is also a very low cost. In other words, herbal remedies ant nests can serve as one of the best options as skin cancer drugs.

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